Developing Resilience #3

Previously I wrote about Being Calm and Being Confident as building blocks for resilient leadership. The third block of this resilient foundation is to Be Connected. Let’s take a look at what it means to … Read more

Developing Resilience #2

Be Confident. The first in this four-part series on leadership resilience focused on Being Calm. Being calm doesn’t mean being passive or non emotional. It is based on the reality that God is in control. … Read more

Developing Resilience #1

As I’ve talked to hundreds of leaders in recent years, one of the common words used to describe their emotional state is “exhausted”. Leading has never been easy, because you are fighting the gravitational pull … Read more

More on courage and fear

For the past few months I’ve been reflecting on the statement in 2 Timothy 1:7 – “for God has not given us a spirit of timidity, but of power and love and discipline.” (NASV) God … Read more

Great coffee news for coffee lovers

  I keep reading about the positive effects of coffee.   For some reason, Inc. mag puts in a coffee article every couple of months.  Should be about time for another. Of course, its always great … Read more