Fear and Courage

No one wants to be afraid.  Fear can be paralyzing.  But it can also help to activate us toward courage and faith, if we identify it and bring it before the Lord.  Often in Scripture … Read more

The Power of Imagination

When I was a child I dreamed of being many things, usually connected to what I was watching on TV.  During the Olympics I began to dream of being an Olympic diver.  Becoming an astronaut … Read more

Try harder and feeling worse?

My buddy Sam and I still laugh 20 years later about a certain college basketball coach who, when interviewed about his team’s play, always seemed to respond along one line: “The boys just need to … Read more

Remembering 9/11

I was  in Budapest, Hungary for the last day of a conference for one year “STINTers” with Cru, about to depart for their assignments for places throughout Europe.   I had just returned from a last minute shopping … Read more

Great coffee news for coffee lovers

  I keep reading about the positive effects of coffee.   For some reason, Inc. mag puts in a coffee article every couple of months.  Should be about time for another. Of course, its always great … Read more